Both an exfoliating facial cleanse and a mask, "Mineral Magic", is an all- natural product designed to hydrate, firm and cleanse the complexion with active earth minerals and protein rich plant butters.
Mineral Magic has the power to not only heal blemishes, but also soothe and clear Rosacea (ruddy skin). Loaded with active minerals and protein rich properties from plants, which increase collagen synthesis.
Mineral Magic is active with negative ions. Negative ions have a unique capability to absorb harmful positive ions (chemicals, toxins and free-radicals) Mineral Magic helps lighten hyper pigmentation spots, also, possess one of the riches sources of powerful antioxidants available.
Mineral Magic supports the skin to absorb moisture and leaves the skin smooth and even in tone. It also helps to regulate sebaceous glands.
Comprised of active elements, which promote cellular regeneration. Your skin will feel as if you had a moisturizing facial with the first use.
Contains; Neem, Shea Butter, Green Mountain Clay, Turmeric, Grape skins, Ionic Earth Minerals, and Essential Oils.
Mineral Magic Facial Cleanse
I have been searching for years for an all-natural facial cleanse, none of them compare to Mineral Magic. My skin feels smooth, soft and is blemish free! I have been using Mineral Magic for 2 months and clearly any signs of wrinkles are vanishing and my skin just simply looks younger and more radiant then ever. There are no harsh chemicals or abrasive minerals to scratch the complexion either, which is a huge benefit. It is truly a magical product! - Hadeel Reda, CA